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If you have questions regarding the inventory build process or the Terms and Conditions, please contact Technical Support at (800) 966-5520 – Option 3.
"*" indicates required fields
Only one (1) submission will be accepted per inventory import. Electronic Payments will include all specified inventory items, but they must be listed in the initial inventory template submission. Please make sure to include as much information as possible within the inventory template.
To ensure there are no errors, please review your inventory template carefully prior to submission. Electronic Payments is not responsible for any typographical, spelling, or grammatical errors.
Note: We require an Excel file marked with the appropriate column headings for all inventory submissions. Please download our Exatouch Retail Import Template, which includes instructions and all required headings. We will only accept files in Excel format; there are no exceptions.
Once your files have been uploaded, Electronic Payments will create a new inventory database using the document provided.
The designated inventory contact will have the opportunity to review the new inventory database during the point of sale Installation Call with Electronic Payments. It's important to note that this call may not be with the same individual who created the new inventory database. In order to review the inventory during the Installation Call, you'll need an internet connection and power at all locations where the point of sale equipment will be placed.
Please download the Exatouch Retail Import Template and follow the instructions. Please include all required fields noted in red before submitting.
Please make sure to reach out to Product Success at if they run into any issues uploading the files or questions about menu building.
Have you ever felt that your concerns were not heard? Or your needs were not met? Or you were let down? Or, have you been overly impressed? Pleased with a tech support call resolution? Or had an awesome experience with one of our sales representative, ISO Offices, or Relationship Managers?
It can sometimes be difficult to get an answer or a sensitive ear for an issue you may be having. Or, you may just need help reaching the right department. Who handles paper shipments? Who programs my equipment? What if I don't like my sales rep? How do I reach your CEO? Sometimes, it just helps having a direct email address which goes to a person that can "get the job done."
The Ombudsman is a position at Electronic Payments that is your conduit to the proper channels and persons that can field your request, answer your need, and receive your compliment. Fill out the form below and we'll try our very best to assist you as quickly as we can.
Comments, compliments, criticisms and problems... Please don't hesitate to let us know!
We're human, promise! And your issue is important to us. While this is an auto-response, a real human has received this email and will direct it to the right department so you can get the attention necessary to help with your request. We'll be in touch soon. In the meantime, here are several avenues of help we offer:
Technical Support Help Desk (24/7):(800) 966-5520 Option 3
Merchant Support
Customer Service (M-F, 9am - 6pm EST):(800) 966-5520 Option 4
POS Help
Talk to you soon,The Electronic Payments Team
Copyright© Electronic Payments, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Electronic Payments is a registered Independent Sales Organization of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Concord, CA and Commercial Bank of California, Los Angeles, CA.Electronic Payments is a Registered MasterCard© TPP American Express may require separate approval.
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