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April 28, 2021
POS Essentials
Editor’s note: This article was originally published on October 1, 2020, and has been updated to incorporate Exatouch Point of Sale’s latest offerings.
Originally published: October 1, 2020 Updated: April 28, 2021
With various capacity limits being imposed on counter service restaurants nationwide, they need tools to help them keep customers coming back and revenues coming in the door. A smart point of sale (POS) system like Exatouch®, with a large touchscreen customer facing display, is one of those essential tools. Check out these 7 practical ways touchscreen customer facing displays enable counter service restaurants like coffee shops and delis to provide efficient service that ensures happy and loyal diners.
Customers want to be reassured they’re getting exactly what they order—and what they pay for. Whether it’s a preference for extra onions or something as serious as a peanut allergy, being able to see their order rung in precisely—on a large screen—engenders confidence in your diners and encourages them to continue patronizing your business.
A customer facing display also gives your employees the opportunity to provide higher levels of service through conversational ordering. If every sandwich at your deli comes with a pickle, but the guest does not want one with their order, they’re waiting to see that screen display “no pickle”. If they don’t see that modifier appear, they can ask the cashier to go back and include it. Alternatively, if your guest is distracted, referencing a customer facing display is a great way for staff to ask if they’re happy with their order before completing the transaction.
For fast casual and quick service restaurants (QSRs), time is of the essence. Speed up the checkout process by enabling diners to review their orders on a customer facing display. If an incorrect order is sent to the kitchen, the guest has to wait for their new order to be made correctly. What’s worse, in the time it takes to keep that diner at the POS to either refund or charge them the corrected price, your staff could’ve rung in another guest’s order. A touchscreen customer facing display gives your patrons a faster, more convenient checkout experience.
Another way displays hasten checkout is by allowing customers to see the price of their order ahead of time. They may have a limited amount of cash in their pocket, and based on the price displayed, they can quickly decide if they want to pay with a card or cash. Customers can have their payment method ready and your staff can keep the line moving.
Anytime an incorrect order is sent to the kitchen and has to be remade, it contributes to food waste, eats into your profits, depletes your inventory prematurely, and takes your kitchen staff longer to serve all of your customers. It’s frustrating for employees and your diners. A customer facing display empowers your patrons to visually confirm their orders before they’re sent to the kitchen.
Because touchscreen customer facing displays make it simpler for your employees to provide accurate and efficient service, your customer satisfaction levels increase, and so may the tips they leave for your employees! Plus, the touchscreen displays preset tip amounts that customers can click in an instant—or they can type in a custom amount right on the screen.
In a world where it’s easier for a diner to write a negative review online than drive back to your restaurant and get their order corrected, a customer facing display can be a lifesaver. When guests go online to read about other diner’s experiences with your establishment, strengthen your chances of them seeing great reviews from satisfied customers. It’ll help widen your reach and attract new guests.
Additionally, the Exatouch touchscreen display enables diners to quickly tap a star rating from 1-5 stars. These ratings are stored within Exatouch and you can pull reports to see which employees get the highest ratings—and reward them, while identifying lower performing staff to provide them with additional training. If a customer is tied to a transaction, you’re able to see who they are and the rating they left, making it easy to reach out to satisfied patrons to thank them for their business and to unhappy diners to try to win them back.
Exatouch’s touchscreen customer facing display allows you to upload any image and add custom text. Photos are the ideal way to show off your most popular products—and adding discounts and promotions to those photos are perfect for inspiring impulse buys and repeat visits that boost your bottom line. Why not include pictures of your best-selling coffees or combos with text saying they’re half off on weekdays between 3:00-5:00PM? The promotional possibilities are endless! And don’t forget to display your logo on the screen to enhance your branding.
Exatouch’s touchscreen customer facing display allows you to upload any image and add custom text. Photos are the ideal way to show off your most popular products—and adding discounts and promotions to those photos are perfect for inspiring impulse buys and repeat visits that boost your bottom line. Why not include pictures of your best-selling coffees or combos with text saying they’re half off on weekdays between 3:00-5:00PM? The promotional possibilities are endless! And don’t forget to display your logo on the screen to enhance your branding.With Exatouch’s display, your customers can choose their preferred receipt options, whether that’s print, email, text, or no receipt at all. If they select email or text for their receipt, they can quickly check the box to opt in to receive marketing messaging on the same screen. It’s a simple, no-cost way to build your email list. Contact those customers with special promotions and deals to entice them to return—it’s a smart way to build loyalty.
A touchscreen customer facing display offers QSRs and other counter service restaurants numerous benefits. That’s why we include a huge display as part of our Exatouch POS bundle—for no extra cost! The 10″ screen comes standard with the POS hardware because we understand what our merchants need. We want to help independent restaurants everywhere not only survive in a limited-capacity environment, but succeed on a level they never thought possible.
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