Attention!Daylight Saving Time began on March 9, 2025. Click here for instructions on how to update your terminal's clock.
We’re a cutting-edge financial technology company encompassing point of sale, payment processing, and so much more, including our in-house processing platform, Cygma®.
Modern payment and point of sale technology for all types of businesses
Partnership programs custom-built to your needs and situation
Browse educational articles, EPI news, and case studies to learn more about payment processing.
Build your sales office with a partner invested in your success. Electronic Payments’ partner program is powered by 25 years of collaboration with independent sales organizations (ISOs) and agents. Whether you’re a one-agent operation or part of an established ISO, stay at the forefront of the payments landscape with our advanced, in-demand technologies, robust resources, and in-house support.
Partner with Us Today
Cut out the middlemen and seize unparalleled opportunities and growth with a direct processor! Cygma®, our wholly-owned, full-stack authorization and clearing platform, provides access to growing verticals (including CBD and adult retail), same-day funding, low processing rates, industry-leading terminal/POS support, and on-time, early residual payments. Our purpose-built network is designed to skyrocket growth for you and your merchants.
Onboarding to Cygma means you’re eligible to win an additional bonus (up to $100,000) for every processing milestone. This is a limited-time offer, so be sure to get started ASAP so you don’t miss out.
Learn More About Cygma
Earn a rewarding income with huge bonus potential and lifetime residuals paid on the 15th of the month, every month, and on the 5th for Cygma. Residuals can be willed to loved ones as well.
Easily log in to access residual information, call notes, and key portfolio data in real-time without having to chase anyone down.
Make more money with a free Exatouch® POS—no hardware fees, no upfront costs, just in-demand POS that supports dual pricing for select verticals.
Secure the latest payment devices (including Dejavoo, Valor PayTech, and PAX) for your merchants at no cost to them. Partners enjoy 80% revenue share and a $200 bonus with every deal.
Access networking and growth opportunities through our sponsored events, online forums, and in-house teams.
Reach an EPI team member in minutes to resolve a tech issue, at any time of day. Our U.S.-based team is an industry leader in response times (and we have the numbers to prove it).
Build your brand with free co-branded marketing collateral, e-statements, merchant applications, websites, and more!
Schedule live product demos and take advantage of client presentation services to build merchant, partner, and bank referral relationships.
Get help analyzing merchant statements to propose savings that will win over your prospects.
From regional conferences to our annual IMPACT event, our agents get face-to-face connections with the entire EPI network so they can thrive.
Don’t worry about when your next pay day will be. With EPI, you get paid on the 15th of the month, every month.
Founder and CEO Michael Nardy fosters a team that puts our ISOs and agent partners at the forefront of the payment industry.
Through best-in-class service, EPI’s 24/7 in-house tech support team goes above and beyond to help grow your ISO or agency.
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Access articles with business best practices and , product insights that’ll help you save time and money while learning about payments and POS.
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Have you ever felt that your concerns were not heard? Or your needs were not met? Or you were let down? Or, have you been overly impressed? Pleased with a tech support call resolution? Or had an awesome experience with one of our sales representative, ISO Offices, or Relationship Managers?
It can sometimes be difficult to get an answer or a sensitive ear for an issue you may be having. Or, you may just need help reaching the right department. Who handles paper shipments? Who programs my equipment? What if I don't like my sales rep? How do I reach your CEO? Sometimes, it just helps having a direct email address which goes to a person that can "get the job done."
The Ombudsman is a position at Electronic Payments that is your conduit to the proper channels and persons that can field your request, answer your need, and receive your compliment. Fill out the form below and we'll try our very best to assist you as quickly as we can.
Comments, compliments, criticisms and problems... Please don't hesitate to let us know!
"*" indicates required fields
We're human, promise! And your issue is important to us. While this is an auto-response, a real human has received this email and will direct it to the right department so you can get the attention necessary to help with your request. We'll be in touch soon. In the meantime, here are several avenues of help we offer:
Technical Support Help Desk (24/7):(800) 966-5520 Option 3
Merchant Support
Customer Service (M-F, 9am - 6pm EST):(800) 966-5520 Option 4
POS Help
Talk to you soon,The Electronic Payments Team
Copyright© Electronic Payments, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Electronic Payments is a registered Independent Sales Organization of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Concord, CA and Commercial Bank of California, Los Angeles, CA.Electronic Payments is a Registered MasterCard© TPP American Express may require separate approval.
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