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April 15, 2022
Small Business Tips
Editor’s note: This article was originally published in 2019 and has been updated to incorporate additional information. Original publish date: July 10, 2019 Updated: April 15, 2022
Working businesses need working capital. Whether you want to expand your operations, remodel your existing space, or hire additional staff, you need customized financing to propel your business forward. Electronic Payments offers merchant cash advances to give you access to fast, easy, and flexible funding with a variety of repayment plans. You’ve built your business from the ground up, let us help you achieve your next-level goals with financing!
Below we’ve listed some of the most common ways merchants like you use the financing options we offer to grow their small businesses.
Do you want to expand employee training, reward your top performing staff members, or invest in hiring new talent? To successfully grow your team you must account for increasing salaries, better benefit packages, and continuing education. With a cash advance, you can get the funds you need to develop your staff—and you’re able to repay the borrowed funds directly through a percentage of your future credit card sales. It doesn’t get any easier than that! Investing in your team will pay off with longer tenures, less attrition, and a wider pool of quality candidates. Best of all, funding approval is based on overall business performance, not just your credit score.
Get tips on managing employees efficiently. →
Looking to buy or rent new commercial property or enhance the space you have? Gain access to a fast and flexible revenue stream that can turn your business goals into reality. With access to working capital, the possibilities are endless and the repayment options plentiful. Use funding to essentially “bridge the gap” between your income and the capital required to expand. The immediate funds will cover a variety of needs associated with growing your store’s footprint, whether that’s a down payment or security deposit on a new location or purchasing building materials and hiring contractors to enlarge your current space.
Adding products to your line and bulking up your inventory can result in new customers and higher sales. Is there a popular product or service you hope to introduce to your customers? Or, perhaps you run a seasonal business and want to stock up on inventory ahead of time. You may even want to order inventory in bulk to earn additional discounts from your vendors. Extra capital helps you enhance your offerings to pull in new customers, differentiate your business from the competition, and diversify your inventory.
Learn how to simplify your inventory management. →
The growth of your business has a lot to do with how people perceive your brand—and word-of-mouth advertising can only take you so far. With a cash advance, you can easily obtain the funds necessary to buy advertising space in your local area, open your doors for public events, and even hire staff to strengthen and manage your social media accounts and digital presence, as well as your online reputation!
Is your current technology keeping up with the pace of business? If your operation is struggling to meet demand because of outdated tools and technology, it’s time to upgrade. Whether it’s switching your cash register and payment terminal to a point of sale (POS), or adding contactless payments to accommodate customers, ensuring your business has up-to-date solutions is critical. New technology improves processes and eliminates unnecessary work, saving your business time and money. For example, if your POS prints shelf labels for pricing, there’s no need to pay an employee to walk around your shop with a pricing gun to put stickers on every inventory item. And if your old cash register is slowing down the line causing customers to get fed up and leave, a modern, easy-to-use POS empowers your staff to check customers out quickly. Small business financing options enable you to invest in the technology needed to expand.
Access the funding you need for your business to prosper! Connect with us to learn more about our financing solutions designed to grow your small business.
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We're human, promise! And your issue is important to us. While this is an auto-response, a real human has received this email and will direct it to the right department so you can get the attention necessary to help with your request. We'll be in touch soon. In the meantime, here are several avenues of help we offer:
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Talk to you soon,The Electronic Payments Team
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