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We’re a cutting-edge financial technology company encompassing point of sale, payment processing, and so much more, including our in-house processing platform, Cygma®.
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Calverton, New York — March 29, 2018 — Electronic Payments has been named to The Nilson Report’s 2017 list of Top Merchant Acquirers in the United States for its sixth consecutive year, advancing its position to the 30th largest acquirer. Based on year-over-year growth, analysis of Electronic Payments’ cumulative transaction data indicates an industry-leading 14.7% organic increase in processing volume.
A leading provider of merchant services, Electronic Payments has proactively approached the changing payments landscape with a complete collection of proprietary, integrated business solutions. ProCharge® suite, a fully integrated billing platform, eGiftSolutions®, a proprietary gift and loyalty platform, and Exatouch® Point of Sale round out the company’s offerings, providing omnichannel solutions for merchants nationwide. The company’s flagship product, Exatouch POS, has seen rapid growth in 2017, including integrations into various states and vendors for tax, sales and inventory reporting. Electronic Payments’ omnichannel solutions streamline operations for retail, restaurant and service merchants, while extending superior in-house support. As a result, the company has seen a substantial increase in its processing volumes, now exceeding $10 Billion annually.
“We now stand alone as the largest individually owned, non-public and non-bank merchant acquirer in the nation. We are excited that our commitment to the ISO, Agent and MLS channels in the market have led them to choose Electronic Payments as their preferred platform. We are fully committed to our agents, as our organization has been built around the agent channel, making our position on this year’s ranking even more remarkable,” stated Michael Nardy, Founder and CEO. “If one thousand agents came together and formed a like-minded payments company, Electronic Payments is what would have been created. Our success is just 18 years in the making, but further solidifies our standing in the industry and our team’s approach to the merchants we serve.”
Top U.S. merchant acquirers in 2017 are ranked according to purchase volume on credit, debit and prepaid payment cards. Visit for additional information.
About The Nilson Report
The Nilson Report is a highly respected source of global news and analysis covering the credit, debit and prepaid card industries. The newsletter provides in-depth rankings and statistics on the current status of the industry, as well as company, product and personnel updates. Over 18,000 readers in 90 countries worldwide value The Nilson Report to track industry trends and market information.
About Electronic Payments
Innovating with new technologies, Electronic Payments has distinguished itself as one of the most highly regarded payment and transaction processing companies in the United States. Electronic Payments currently serves businesses in all types of industries and acquires new merchants through a network of POS value-added resellers (VARS), agent banks, sales agents, and independent sales offices (ISOs). Visit for more information.
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It can sometimes be difficult to get an answer or a sensitive ear for an issue you may be having. Or, you may just need help reaching the right department. Who handles paper shipments? Who programs my equipment? What if I don't like my sales rep? How do I reach your CEO? Sometimes, it just helps having a direct email address which goes to a person that can "get the job done."
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We're human, promise! And your issue is important to us. While this is an auto-response, a real human has received this email and will direct it to the right department so you can get the attention necessary to help with your request. We'll be in touch soon. In the meantime, here are several avenues of help we offer:
Technical Support Help Desk (24/7):(800) 966-5520 Option 3
Merchant Support
Customer Service (M-F, 9am - 6pm EST):(800) 966-5520 Option 4
POS Help
Talk to you soon,The Electronic Payments Team
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Electronic Payments is a registered Independent Sales Organization of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Concord, CA and Commercial Bank of California, Los Angeles, CA.Electronic Payments is a Registered MasterCard© TPP American Express may require separate approval.
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