We’re a cutting-edge financial technology company encompassing point of sale, payment processing, and so much more, including our in-house processing platform, Cygma®.
Modern payment and point of sale technology for all types of businesses
Partnership programs custom-built to your needs and situation
Browse educational articles, EPI news, and case studies to learn more about payment processing.
This License Agreement (the “Agreement”) is a legal agreement between you, either an individual or a single legal entity (“Licensee”), and Electronic Payments Inc. (“EPI”) that governs Licensee’s acquisition and use of the TableTurn® software and any accompanying documentation (the “Software”).
Licensee must accept the terms of this Agreement before installing and otherwise using the Software. By selecting the “Accept” option and downloading the software, or by using, copying, and installing the software product, you are indicating acceptance of the terms of this Agreement. If Licensee does not agree to the terms of the Agreement, do not check the radio button below and do not use the Software. If Licensee does not agree to the terms of the Agreement, Licensee is not granted any rights whatsoever in the Software and must permanently delete all copies of the Software in Licensee’s possession.
EPI DISCLAIMS ALL CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, ACCURACY OF INFORMATIONAL CONTENT, SYSTEM INTEGRATION, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS, AND ANY WARRANTIES AGAINST INTERFERENCE WITH LICENSEE’S ENJOYMENT OF THE SOFTWARE. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, EPI SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE, EPI’S EFFORTS, OR ANY SYSTEM WITH WHICH LICENSEE WILL USE THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET LICENSEE’S REQUIREMENTS, FULFILL ANY OF LICENSEE’S PARTICULAR PURPOSES OR NEEDS, OR THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE OR WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE. LICENSEE ASSUMES THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SELECTION OF LICENSEE’S REQUIREMENTS, SOFTWARE, AND HARDWARE TO ACHIEVE LICENSEE’S INTENDED RESULTS. Some jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of implied warranties, so the above disclaimer may not apply to Licensee, in which case the duration of any such implied warranties is limited to thirty (30) days from the date the Software is first downloaded by Licensee. In case of breach of such implied warranties, EPI’s sole and exclusive obligation and liability and Licensee’s sole and exclusive remedy will be, at EPI’s sole discretion, to (i) repair, correct, or work around any defect; (ii) provide a replacement copy of the Software; or (iii) terminate this Agreement and issue Licensee a refund of any fees that Licensee may have paid EPI for the Software (if any).
TableTurn® enables you to get more customers in your door, serve them faster, and accept their preferred payment methods quickly and securely. Get TableTurn and watch your revenue grow!
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We're thrilled to hear from you and look forward to discussing how TableTurn® can help enhance your business. One of our product specialists will be in touch within the next business day. In the meantime, feel free to check out our blog to discover new business-building ideas, tips, and strategies.
Talk to you soon,The Electronic Payments Team
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It can sometimes be difficult to get an answer or a sensitive ear for an issue you may be having. Or, you may just need help reaching the right department. Who handles paper shipments? Who programs my equipment? What if I don't like my sales rep? How do I reach your CEO? Sometimes, it just helps having a direct email address which goes to a person that can "get the job done."
The Ombudsman is a position at Electronic Payments that is your conduit to the proper channels and persons that can field your request, answer your need, and receive your compliment. Fill out the form below and we'll try our very best to assist you as quickly as we can.
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We're human, promise! And your issue is important to us. While this is an auto-response, a real human has received this email and will direct it to the right department so you can get the attention necessary to help with your request. We'll be in touch soon. In the meantime, here are several avenues of help we offer:
Technical Support Help Desk (24/7):(800) 966-5520 Option 3
Merchant Support Center:www.merchantsupportcenter.com
Customer Service (M-F, 9am - 6pm EST):(800) 966-5520 Option 4
POS Help Center:help.exatouch.com
Copyright© Electronic Payments, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Electronic Payments is a registered Independent Sales Organization of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Concord, CA and Commercial Bank of California, Los Angeles, CA.Electronic Payments is a Registered MasterCard© TPP American Express may require separate approval.
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