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October 15, 2020

Exatouch® Point of Sale Restaurant Success Story: An Interview with Rebecca’s Bistro

Exatouch® Point of Sale Restaurant Success Story: An Interview with Rebecca’s Bistro

Rebecca’s Bistro has been called a hidden treasure in Ohio’s Amish country. With a unique menu that changes frequently to showcase local produce, customers return often to enjoy the friendly service and warm atmosphere. The establishment is owned by Rebecca and her husband, Jim. Rebecca always had a passion for entertaining and food, so in October 2002, she and Jim took a leap of faith—pursuing Rebecca’s dream of owning her own restaurant. The couple chose a charming log cabin in Walnut Creek, Ohio, which dates back to the early 1800s, as the site for their beloved local business. The quaint ambiance and quality ingredients draw diners from far and wide, but it’s the couple’s commitment to forming a connection with everyone who walks in the door that sets Rebecca’s Bistro apart. Their motto is: A Gathering of Friends.

rebeccas bistro 2

After partnering with Electronic Payments in 2018 and taking advantage of our in-house gift card program, eGiftSolutions®, a window of opportunity to install a point of sale (POS) system opened—and Rebecca decided to act. In the interview below, Rebecca discusses why she selected Exatouch® Point of Sale for her restaurant and what implementing the system has been like for her and her team.

What drove you to implement a point of sale at your restaurant? Did you have specific pain points you were trying to alleviate with a new system?

For years we relied on a cash register and a standalone terminal for processing credit cards. I had been talking about upgrading to a system that could track sales and the movement of all our entrees and side dishes for more than five years, but I always thought we were too busy to make that kind of change. With COVID-19 forcing the restaurant to close, it gave us time to install a POS and train the staff on how to use it.

In terms of pain points, I wanted to be able to receive daily reports, tax information, and employee work hours electronically to eliminate the hours I was spending on bookkeeping.

What criteria did you use to choose a POS system?

While cost is always part of the equation, we wanted a point of sale that was easy to operate. It was important not to bog down our waitstaff or slow down customer service. Along with the ability to receive reports remotely, I was hoping to speed up checkout for customers.

What goals did you want to achieve by implementing a POS and how has Exatouch enabled you to accomplish them?

At the end of the day, I needed a solution to help me streamline operations. Right away, I was able to receive reports showing our sales. I could balance the current day’s business the same day the transactions took place! I never had that opportunity before. The remote access to daily sales immediately saved me time entering information into my accounting system.

What has the training experience been like with Exatouch?

When we installed the system, we had a training session with Electronic Payments’ Technical Support team and our local sales representative, Mary Jo, from Epic Payment Systems. There were about 6 staff members present during that initial training, which allowed everyone to ask questions about how to operate the POS. After the training, the old cash register was immediately thrown into the dumpster! The next day, the team started using Exatouch. We did make a few calls to Technical Support just to clarify procedures, but they answered our calls within seconds and helped us resolve any issues quickly. At first, the waitstaff was somewhat hesitant—it was just fear of the unknown, but training was a breeze and now they have absolutely no fear.

What were the improvements you noticed right away in using Exatouch?

Over the summer, we started using the time clock for employees. Now that the time sheets are forwarded to me for payroll, the whole process is so much faster to manage. Plus, Exatouch made it easier to enter the new entrees we have on offer. The system allows us to change our menu frequently without issue. And, balancing at the end of the day using the snapshot report couldn’t be simpler. The ease of running a credit card sale and adjusting the receipt for a tip is fantastic. What an improvement over the standalone terminal!

As we move forward, we’re even considering adding a second Exatouch station for order entry and a kitchen printer. We may even add wireless units for tableside ordering.

Have the reports available in Exatouch given you additional business insights? If so, how has the new information been helpful?

The daily reports that are automatically emailed to me at the end of the day have been a blessing. I like to see concrete evidence that shows me the movement of different items on the menu. I’ve always had a good idea of what we sold, but the reports confirm everything and provide more insight. It’ll be interesting to see the figures from season to season as we change the menu frequently.

Have your processing costs gone down?

We’ve only been using the new system for a few months at this point, but Mary Jo reviewed our past statements with me and confirmed our effective rate dropped by 0.10%. The savings coupled with the ease of training and the speed of checkout are incredible. Exatouch is worth every penny!

“Exatouch is worth every penny!”

– Rebecca, Owner of Rebecca’s Bistro

What has your experience with eGiftSolutions been like?

We’ve been using Electronic Payments eGiftSolutions gift cards since 2018. The program was always great, but it’s even better with Exatouch. We love our custom gift cards with our logo and so do our customers!

“We love our custom gift cards with our logo and so do our customers!”

– Rebecca, Owner of Rebecca’s Bistro

Want to learn more about Exatouch POS and how it can help your restaurant save time and money while increasing customer service levels? Schedule a free, personalized demonstration today!

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