We’re a cutting-edge financial technology company encompassing point of sale, payment processing, and so much more, including our in-house processing platform, Cygma®.
Modern payment and point of sale technology for all types of businesses
Partnership programs custom-built to your needs and situation
Browse educational articles, EPI news, and case studies to learn more about payment processing.
Process your profits quicker and safer than ever with Cygma®, EPI’s proprietary frontend authorization network and backend clearing platform. Cygma supports all the major card schemes and processes credit and debit transactions.
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Card Schemes Support
Cygma’s lower rates mean savings for merchants from the get-go. Our agents and ISOs have access to early residuals and can expect to be paid on the 5th of the month, every month.
In addition to retail, restaurant, and MOTO businesses, Cygma is available to previously restricted merchants, including adult retail and entertainment, smoke, vape, and CBD, as well as MOTO guns and ammo.
With late batch cutoff times, Cygma offers merchants near real-time payment processing in actual batches—with deposits in as few as five hours from cutoff. What’s more, there’s no extra cost to take advantage of same- or next-day funding!
Built for speed, Cygma has one of the fastest authorization processing speeds of any platform.
Save time and money with the Cygma backend settlement platform, with automatic Interchange optimization built right into the clearing process.
Cygma supports the latest frontend authorization modes and backend clearing levels, including Level III processing for B2B and B2G savings.
Develop your payment hook on the Cygma frontend and ProCharge® gateway for an optimal merchant experience.
Cygma uses the latest technology and security to protect business and customer data. Cygma is privately owned and 100% in-house, meaning you’ll have access to EPI’s industry-leading, 24/7 technical support team.
Cygma is the best direct processor for small businesses and beyond because it seamlessly integrates with EPI’s industry-leading POS and terminal solutions, like:
Is your ISO ready for a direct bank and processor relationship? Through our bank partners, Cygma can enable your ISO with direct bank sponsorship and a dedicated BIN/ICA relationship with sponsorship into the four major card schemes plus pin-debit and EBT processing. You can control the management of your portfolio from risk, underwriting, account boarding, deployment, customer service, and tech support and establish yourself as a full-service ISO/MSP.
Cygma has a host of JSON and RESTful APIs that enable your POS, software application, mobile app, website, or other project to connect directly with an authorization host.Regional debit networks can be processed via the Gateway Bridge. Semi-integrated terminal applications are also available, which give your project instant payment ennoblement, including EMV and contactless capabilities.
How many sales would your business miss if you lost connectivity and couldn’t process credit card payments?….
We outline what to do if you receive a chargeback and the actions you can take to reduce their occurrenc….
Safeguarding your business and your valued customers from this kind of fraud is critical, but many merchants aren’t entirely sure what to do. …
Have you ever felt that your concerns were not heard? Or your needs were not met? Or you were let down? Or, have you been overly impressed? Pleased with a tech support call resolution? Or had an awesome experience with one of our sales representative, ISO Offices, or Relationship Managers?
It can sometimes be difficult to get an answer or a sensitive ear for an issue you may be having. Or, you may just need help reaching the right department. Who handles paper shipments? Who programs my equipment? What if I don't like my sales rep? How do I reach your CEO? Sometimes, it just helps having a direct email address which goes to a person that can "get the job done."
The Ombudsman is a position at Electronic Payments that is your conduit to the proper channels and persons that can field your request, answer your need, and receive your compliment. Fill out the form below and we'll try our very best to assist you as quickly as we can.
Comments, compliments, criticisms and problems... Please don't hesitate to let us know!
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We're human, promise! And your issue is important to us. While this is an auto-response, a real human has received this email and will direct it to the right department so you can get the attention necessary to help with your request. We'll be in touch soon. In the meantime, here are several avenues of help we offer:
Technical Support Help Desk (24/7):(800) 966-5520 Option 3
Merchant Support Center:www.merchantsupportcenter.com
Customer Service (M-F, 9am - 6pm EST):(800) 966-5520 Option 4
POS Help Center:help.exatouch.com
Talk to you soon,The Electronic Payments Team
Copyright© Electronic Payments, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Electronic Payments is a registered Independent Sales Organization of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Concord, CA and Commercial Bank of California, Los Angeles, CA.Electronic Payments is a Registered MasterCard© TPP American Express may require separate approval.
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